It's not entirely accurate to say the rift came about due to a design flaw in anyone's life plan. Franny, and her twin, Frank, were intelligent, artistic, and interested in following a spiritual path. They placed a high value on life-long learning and self-improvement. Their belief systems, however, were quite different and, both being competitive, bet one another a sum of $1,000.00 on who would reach enlightenment first. Franny researched for months before she decided to go the cloistered approach at a Boerne Benedictine retreat. No gadgets, no chatter, and lots of time for inward reflection. Frank, on the other hand, sold most of his worldly possessions and booked a flight to Christchurch. He believed the further away he could get from the familiar, the better his chances were of cleaning out his sister's pockets. The siblings thought victory in all things was no small matter. Thanks to intense physical training and a survival course, Frank found the ladder to the unseen world as he watched the sun rise on Aoraki. At his earliest opportunity, Frank sent word to Franny of his achievement. Not to be outdone, Franny reported her strict daily prayer regimen resulted in not one, but three, holy visitations from the Blessed Virgin. Because of these experiences, Franny was certain her consciousness had expanded at a much greater rate than Frank's. Franny added in her communiqué that anyone could climb a mountain. At last check, Franny and Frank were ardently treading their respective spiritual paths, and the $1,000.00 was safe and sound.
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