Darla embraces trash but she cannot accept dirt. She says what she says with stickers but fuck all if she's got a word for what she's feeling. Always, always she's checking those little green boxes. Grow, she's told by the quivering silvery stars, but do nothing as love dies. A stellar prognostication! So she does what she does just to see fifty (which is something you might want to figure out how to do.) But oh how Darla keeps her reality in check with pith and micro love poems that she silk screens on 14" x 14" squares of muslin and sells down at the bazaar for (unframed) $12.95.
I am all purple lightning and pink balloons. You are a deep blue arrow that's found its mark between my ribs.
I am a piece of shit. You are gold. I hope we can bring light into each other's world.
I am less restless when I'm near you.
We don't need to speak. I feel complete when you walk into the room.
I give you my heart and all the space you want.
Don't let anyone change you.
Darla will give you what you need (whether you know it or not) and something to look at while you're busy doing something else.
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