Happy New Year! Here's what needs some meditation thrown at it: Why is life unfair? I asked a pal to show me the silver lining on a day (yesterday) when one privileged bitch (me) was having a challenging moment (inconsequential office shenanigans.) With disaster smashing the planet, I do not have a right to feel put-upon and bunchy. Even so ... Life is Not Fair. Why is that? I have EVERYTHING and yet I complain. Those less fortunate than I am get hammered and trampled in myriad ways. Many have lost what little they had, or are dead, as I scribble these words in a notebook I found on the sidewalk in front of my house. Yeah - I own a house. Grateful, I am, but man if I don't act like a self-absorbed ass half the time. And all the while life is still unfair. There is Sense and Meaning behind the headlines, right? Or are we merely existing inside Virginia's Silver Globe?
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